
For the skiing season 2023, our base camp was at Ylläs, Lapland. From there we made several trips to the Northern part of Norway mainly to Lyngen and Tamokdalen, but there were also some new and astonishing places we could visit.

The first frame is the best frame of the season (according to yours truly), lets see what you think.


YLLÄS aka Base Camp

Lyngen, Yykeä

12.04.23 at Storgalten

Conditions had been very spring-like over the few days, which meant that without the warmth of the sun, the snow would be ice ice ice. So I was not sure what to expect from this evening's top tour mission to Storgalten. Would it be soft, ice, or the worst, crust? Well, at least I thought that I could get some nice setting sun images. The evening turned out to be one of the best ones of the whole season. There was hardly anybody around that time, the snow was still soft enough to ski the steep parts fast and enjoyable, amazing crew and views, plus I got one of the best frames of the season!


09.04.23 at Blåbaertinden

Blåbaertinden (1442m) is one of the iconic peaks in the Tamokdalen. Every time we have visited Tamok we either skied on the treeline of Blåbaertinden or drove past it, so naturally I became more and more interested in giving it a top tour mission over the years. According to The Lyngen Alps (Norway), the Blåbaertinden is rated as a very difficult top tour mission, which is why we haven't tried it before. This year, however, Jenny and I felt that we had gained enough expertise/knowledge to make the top tour mission. By that time, we had already spent +3 months on our skis, so the body was ready for the long trip, and we had good knowledge about the snow conditions, plus the overall conditions for the day were excellent. For a spring mission like this, you want to reach the top just when you think (u know?) when the side you would like to ski is starting to go from hard ice to soft spring snow aka corn (virni in Finnish). Our timing was spot on in both going up and down. If we had started our journey later, we could not have gone through the steep section with a good safety margin, and when we started our descent the snow was soft enough to be enjoyable.

This was definitely one of the best top tour missions from this season and definitely a big mountain day for us! <3


Lyngen - Kavringfjellet 14.04.2023